Principal Investigators: Zhao, Xiayun
University: University of Pittsburgh
Industry Partners: Du-Co Ceramics Company
Ceramic materials possess properties ideal for a number of applications. Binder jetting (BJ) is a cost-effective, low-energy additive manufacturing (AM) technology, which builds parts by spreading powder layers and joining powders selectively with jetted binders. BJ based AM (BJ-AM) has the potential to transform ceramics manufacturing due to its design flexibility, high scalability, and broad material choices. However, current BJ-AM processes still tend to produce green parts with limited density and high porosity. The objective of this project is to develop an in-situ process monitoring technology, based on fringe projection profilometry (FPP) and aided by machine learning, for online detection of powder spreading abnormalities, binder deposition deficiency, and print surface defects during ceramics BJ-AM. The new process measurement capability will aid the development of closed-loop process control and rapid part qualification methods to enhance the general BJ-AM process as well as its specific application to advanced ceramic 3D printing.