Principal investigator: Li, Bo, Qianhong Wu

University: Villanova University

Industry partners: OTEX Specialty Narrow Fabrics®

Villanova University and OTEX Specialty Narrow Fabrics seek to create a new method for quantitatively measure the cut resistance of industry slings, a method which they hope will become a new industrial standard. Certain slings are made from synthetic polymers, and they were widely used in lifting industries. When they are cut, they can fail, causing injury, loss of life, and property damage. However, there is no existing testing method or standard that can characterize how a sling fails under conditions similar to the real cutting situation.

While OTEX has established a testing setup, they are not able to characterize structures and analyze data in order to systematically establish the method. OTEX will perform the cutting test. Two VU PIs, Drs. Bo Li and Qianhong Wu, will integrate their expertise in characterizing materials and analyzing data to characterize, analyze, and document the new cut resistance measurement process.