Principal investigators: Edward DeMeter and Saurabh Basu

University: Pennsylvania State University

Industry partner: Extrude Hone

Extrude Hone has created a process called Orbital Abrasive Flow Machining (OAFM). This process and its supporting technology have the potential for large commercial success in the mold/die surface finishing market. Unfortunately, in its current state, it is difficult to use this technology to uniformly process a mold/die surface, which is a requirement for high-performance mold/die applications. Extrude Hone wishes to solve this problem, but currently lacks the engineering science base and analytical tools to do so. The objectives of the proposed work are to 1) establish an engineering science base and simulation analysis framework to provide Extrude Hone engineers with a means to better apply their existing technology and 2) explore novel methods to significantly advance OAFM technology. This work will be carried out by two graduate students. We anticipate this will significantly enhance Extrude Hone’s business growth and employment opportunities.